

not available is a break-through travel platform for both Accommodation and Travelers, which per...

Read more is a break-through travel platform for both Accommodation and Travelers, which personalizes search & booking, but also on-site stay experience. Travelers and Guests are incentivized to join through possibility to gain is leading the next disruptive wave of the digital revolution whereby Profiling meets Big Data Machine Learning to provide a brand new scope of personalization possibilities.Travelers progressively build a ‘guest profile’ used for both modules through multiple sources: their social accounts, their history and answering questions both dynamic (on a particular trip) or static (on their permanent preferences). Hotel profiles are built through extraction of fixed data then verified through millions of public reviews available on the net.Market Context: it’s all about personalized experience New digital tools have facilitated the boom of the ‘on demand’ economy where customers expect not only an immediate access to product and services but a personalized one. In the travel industry, Millennials, Y Generation and also X generation frequent travelers are willing to share personal data on permanent basis against the delivery of better, more personalized service. Travelers are increasingly looking to have unique, authentic experience that is adapted specifically to them.What is is a personalized online search and booking platform which matches the specific preferences of a traveler with the specificities of an accommodation, be it hotel, bnb, flat, etc. The information given by the hotels are verified through all available goes far beyond the simplistic choice of location, price and stars. combines static and dynamic profiling for both travelers preferences and for more than 300 000 accommodations. goes far beyond in personalization than any travel platform in Traveler’s profiling, matching accuracy, and matching explanation.Examples of Travelers who wants something differentEx 1. (Age 30) Sonia wants a genuine “experience” when she is travelling, she loves to immerse herself in local culture and wants to see the best that the city can offer in terms of view, local design and feel and interaction with the environment. An avid art lover Sonia would like a hotel and room that reflects on her interests with unique décor and in the heart of the city with a view. Sonia prefers to have a shower rather than a bath and is eco responsible.Sonia’s user profile is extracted from her various social media accounts, group interactions, posts engagements, feedback plus the answers of HotelMatching short Q&As. Dynamics of her current trip complements the data stream included in the matching algorithms. Ex 2. After 30 years of business travel, Neil knows exactly what he wants in a hotel room: “Rest!” Neil is looking for the quietest and darkest room possible with a large desk, good Wi-Fi and within close range to his meetings. Neil wants to have good access to transport so he can get to the airport and the center equally stress free. In down time Neil is only looking for a few simple things, a good gym and swimming pool to ensure he gets his daily exercise while travelling. Neil’s profile was originally extracted from his LinkedIn profile, as Neil is a frequent traveler he quickly was keen to build on his profile in HotelMatching by answering questions on his general preferences and dynamics of his current trips.